Monday 24 September 2018

Why Delhi is Delhi

Delhi is Delhi as Delhi is dilwalo ki.Delhi loves to be Delhi as it has the love in it.From Pandava’s Indraprastha to the modern day Delhi we have everything ready on the platter to serve.According to Mahabharatha, the Hindu epic text, King Dhritarashtra gave a barren island to Pandavas. The Pandavas made a very beautiful castle and the city. They called this place Indraprastha. The Purana Quila in Delhi is believed to be the palace of Pandavas.A widely accepted and popular theory for the name to be given is that it has been named after a Mauryan dynasty ruler, named Dilu or Dhillu, who had established in 50 BC a city here that was named after him.  Another legend states that the name has a Prakrit/Hindi base from ‘Dehli’ due to Pillar of Delhi having weak foundation and hence, requiring to be moved. This word was also used by the Tomaras for referring the city, who circulated coins named Dehliwal in this region. Bhavishya Purana states that where the current Purana Qila stands, was a fort for offering greater convenience to the four  castes that existed during Prithviraj Chauhan’s reign. 

Delhi is Delhi .Even in Delhi's most residential neighborhoods, hawkers selling roasted corn on the cob, tender coconut juice, and local favorites like the deep-fried mashed-potato patty known as “aloo tikki” troll the streets, calling out their wares in sing-song voices. Listen for the aloo tikki wallah clanging his ladle against his wok and chase him down. Delhi's medieval ruins are all over the city — not only in recognized “sites.” It's strewn with big, forested parks — some of them, like Jamali Kamali, featuring stunning medieval ruins. The tomb of India's second Mughal emperor — who ruled what is today Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India in the 16th Century — is a stunning, red sandstone mausoleum reminiscent of the white marble Taj Mahal. Named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993, it's one of the few architectural marvels in India that has been lovingly restored.
DMRC has introduced snazzy, silvery buses to connect your locality to the nearest metro station.
Oh and don't forget the Rapid Metro line in NCR. You can even use your regular metro card to travel by it.

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