Monday 21 August 2023

My Granny And Nagpanchami

 Anybody that realizes my grandma realizes that she has a magnificent ability – sewing. There’s really nothing that she can’t sew. Now that she is more established, she can’t sew also in light of the fact that her eyes don’t have a similar accuracy as when she more youthful and her hands are filled with joint pain. At the point when she sewed however, she would sew for individuals locally and by contract that was the manner by which she made her living. She was particularly great at beading, flawless as a matter of fact. She made beaded moccasins, satchels, gloves, shoes and so on and she could string a dab on it. She could sew a parka in several days. She showed a customary sewing class once seven days locally. Everybody needed her beadwork. Once specifically she was decided to make a beaded band for the Pope. That was an extremely extraordinary task for her as she is a catholic lady which distraught her vibe exceptionally respected. However, despite the fact that she was awesome at what she did, she was exceptionally unobtrusive. She would get a kick out of a decent commendation, stealthily.We present you a collection of best Grandma Stories. All, mostly present in the bedtime stories and afternoon later, are the ones told by our Grandparents.My granny always believed in God she celebrated festivals by heart.I love her narratives.Nag Pachami is the day of snakes. Nags are worshiped this day in Nepal. Nags are snakes and Panchami means the fifth day after no-moon day.

Nags are worshiped on the fifth day following the no-moon (aushi). Hence, the day is called Nag Panchami. Aushi means no-moon day in Nepali. As per Hindu traditions, Nag Panchami holds great significance and is dedicated to the worship of snakes. They are considered the most powerful creatures and are worshipped as deities mainly by devotees from the Naga tribe. It is believed that any worship offered to snakes reaches the serpent deities.People make snakes out of clay, giving them different forms and colours. These serpent models are placed on a dais and offered milk. In some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka, there are permanent temples of Serpent-Gods and special pooja is performed with pomp and grandeur. There is special importance of snake-charmers too on this day, as they are offered milk and money. Digging of the earth is strictly forbidden on this day. In West Bengal, the Hindus worship ‘Devi Manasha’ with ‘Ashta Naag’, the Snake-Goddess on this tithi.

The Story Behind The Nag Panchami Festival

There are many stories behind the observance of Nag Panchami. The story mentioned below may interest you.

Once upon a time, there lived a peasant who had two sons and one daughter. One day, while the peasant was ploughing the field, the plough ran over three baby snakes, eventually killing them. On seeing the death of her sons, the mother serpent lamented her sons’ death and decided to take revenge on the peasant. In the middle of the night, when the peasant and his family were asleep, the mother-serpent entered their house and bit the peasant, his wife and two sons. As a result, all of them died except the daughter.

Next morning the mother-serpent again entered the house to kill the peasant’s daughter. She was very intelligent and hence, to propitiate the mother-snake offered her a bowlful of milk, and with folded hands requested her to forgive her father for the death of her beloved sons. She welcomed the serpent and asked for it to forgive her parents. Mother serpent was very pleased by this gesture and brought back to life the peasant, his wife and two sons whom she bit the previous night. Also, mother serpents gave blessings with a promise that on Shravan Shukla Panchami, the women who will worship a snake shall be protected for seven generations.

That was the day of Nag Panchami, and since then snakes are worshipped to avoid snake bites. This tithi is also celebrated as ‘Kalki Jayanti’. On this special day, people influenced by Kaal Sarpa Dosha of Rahu and Ketu should also worship ‘Ashta Nag’ with ‘Sarpa Sutra’ and ‘Nag Gayatri’ to get rid of ill effects of this Dosha.

All devotees offer milk to the idols of Nag Devta. Sweets like rice kheer are also offered as bhog. Some devotees also offer eggs to the snakes. Those who are fasting can make kheer with vrat-special samwat ke chawal. 

Here is  recipe for Nag Panchami bhog. 

Here is a recipe . 

It is also said that cooking and eating in iron utensils should be avoided on this day.  

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