it's February One dear
and me sitting nearby Giant Machine
Singing the song of Justin Biber
and your smile in facebook made me
compel to do it
The song in Star Plus
the dancers in Dance India Dance
The magic of carrot with spicy veggies
The prasad of Manakamna are still with me
His style of posing in the pics
are the effects of something innovation
the long hairy guy after Korean visa
the comment made by you dear
still makes me eager to know you
Long ago I dwell in to the city of wonder
it was a magical journey
run,run ,run ,run he shouted
Still the journey is kept on
The thickness of colors in your lips
the loud music played by Saleem
the backbiting habit of the black eyed lady
the satire made upon me still questions you
The fire ,the sticks and the black spotted glasses
the dirty room,the litter ,the bed smell around the bed
does they are fitted to me ,the thin lady with oily pot
the druggist villainous crooked guy are still there beside you
She came to instruct me the lesson of morality
the pain of leg still makes me unable to understand dear
the beautiful dress of heroine sitting with me
her daring style of exposition herself in public
Exposition and exploration,invention and innovation are
being used as wheel of life,they remain with me too
still hanged with trauma the black doggy life questions you
are the rumors of being social is real or just a " discourse"
The lectures about 'truth''discourse''ideology''power and politics'
the written script of incident and gossip in newspaper and channels
the play of facebook to disclose the inner pysche
through the play of colors ,dress and gossips you made dear
Still I am " hanged" somewhere dear,as pendulum
the saturday Evening, the rules of advance grammar of capitalization
the broken norms,the loud voice,the desire to resist something
are still with as my features,do you run after the" dhoomdharhaka" like them
Nobody knows what is said is a made truth or a fake statement
the creative dramas of television channel and their play of emotions
still I am a "doggy tail " licks around it dear and wants more
It's saturday evening of February First of 2014 and I am tended to " lost in wine".