Sunday 11 March 2018



A girl with some books and kids dwell and sings the qawali in mid of crowd of Govindpuri and seeks Dhakathok Panchamul there with two eyes ,the songs of qawali from Tinsukiya to Delhi has the same rythm of Sirdiwale Baba.


Sai Baba was a born to a Brahmin couple of Patri which was in the Nizam state of British India. Where his parents handed over him to the fakir. These were the words revealed by baba in his last days. But Date of birth is still unknown to the world. There are lots of communities who claims that Baba belong to their respective communities but none of them proven.


Baba came to village Shirdi in Maharastra at age of 16 for the first time. People wondered looking at him that a boy at a very tender age doing deep meditation sitting in asana under a Neem tree, without food and even water for several days. This made to grew lots of curiosity on young baba. Bayajabai, wife of village chief occasionally enquired about the welfare of the sai Baba in his childhood.

Gradually she started bringing food to Baba. As the days passed baba started treating her as his mother. Mhalspati, the village chief and a priest, once possessed by lord khandoba, uttered that there is a holy spirit here pointing towards the Sai Baba. Baba pointed towards the neem tree and asked to dig it to roots. The villagers followed the words of Baba and started digging it. As the layers of earth passed on, they found a slab made of stone, oil lamps glowing without any oil and air too, Which was completely opposite to science. In the same place they found a vessel which is in the shape of cow mouth on a wooden table. Baba clarified that this is the holy place where his guru had done penance. He also suggested that instead of worshipping me(sai baba), worship the tree and leave it untouched. Till today no one touched it. This tree is the first stop of a pilgrim in shirdi.

Baba was an unique personality who earned a huge attention towards him, in the day time he was not associated with any one and not afraid of any one. Some people thought that he was mad and even hurt him physically by throwing stones at him. Initially Baba spent about 3 years at Shirdi. After this, for a period of one year Baba left Shirdi and very little was known about sai baba during that period. He met many saints, fakirs and even worked as weaver as history says.

In the year of 1858, Baba returned to Shirdi permanently. For about five years of time Baba took his accommodation under the neem tree and very often Baba used to wander in the jungle near Shirdi was very uncommunicative as Baba spent lot of his time in meditation. Gradually Baba shifted his accommodation to a nearby mosque. Many Hindus and Muslims were visiting Baba. In the mosque Baba maintained sacred fire which was called dhuni. Baba gave sacred ash to the entire visitor. People believe that ash is the best medicine to heal for all health issues.

Baba was god for all and used to participate in all religious festival. Baba had a habit of cooking and the same was distributed among all devotees as "Prasad" at the time of their visit. Baba best pass time was singing (religious) and dancing. Many believed that baba was a saint and even as god. As the time passed on the volume of visitors to Shirdi gradually increased.

Religious View Of Sai Baba Of Shirdi

Allah Malik is the
Baba was completely opponent to orthodoxy, Hinduism, Christianity and muslim. Baba asked his devotees to to lead a ordinary life. He asked his followers to chant holy words ,god's name and asked his devotees to read their respective holy books. He avoided all hindu rituals and permitted muslims to follow Namaz, reading of Quran at festival times

Baba Words On Charity

  • Baba always encouraged the charity and shared the happiness of sharing.
  • If any creature comes to you for a help, don't drive them away. Receive them with a respect and treat them well.
  • Give water to thirsty, food to hungry, and allow stranger to take accommodation in your verandah.
  • If someone asked you money and you are not inclined to give, don't give but unnecessarily don't bark at him.

Devotees and Disciples Of Shirdi Sai Baba

Mhalsapati- priest at a local temple is believed as the first devotee of sai Baba of Shirdi. Initially devotees of Sai were a small group of Shirdians and few from different corners of the country. Now a day's the devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba increased to crores. Sai baba of shirdi is being worshipped in different parts of the world including top English speaking countries.

Firstly Hindus worshipped him with rituals and Muslims treated him as saint. Later Christians and zoroastrains started worshipping baba. Shirdi sai movement is the very famous hindu religious movement in Caribbean and English speaking countries.

Lord Meher baba was born to Zoroastrain family. He met Sai baba once in his life time during the procession of Sai Baba at Shirdi. This is the most memorable moment for meher baba but the presence of meher baba was no where mention in the shri sai sacharitha, but in life history of meher baba there were many references of shiridi sai baba.

There are notable disciples of Say Baba who received same fame as sai baba. Such as upasan maharaj of sakori. Nana Saheb Chandorkar, Ganapath Rao Sahasrabuddhe, Tatya Patil, Baija Mai Kote Patil,Haji Abdul Baba, Madhav Rao Deshpande, Govindrao Raghunath Dabholkar,Mahalsapati Chimanji Nagare, RadhaKrishna Mai are treated as the famous devotee of sai baba of shirdi.

Miracles Of Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai baba of shirdi reported many miracles. He performed many miracles such as levitation, bilocation, materialization, reading of peoples mind, entering tomb at his own will,removal of body parts and affixing them again including intestines. Took rebirth after 3 days, cured the ill, and saved the people by stopping the falling mosque. There are hundreds of miracles reported at shirdi by shirdi sai baba. People believe that reading sai charitha is good for all types of problems in the family and all health issues. There are several blogs written on sai baba and his day to day miracles in devotee life. This is increasing lots of faith in people.

Devotee often says that. Shirdi sai baba gave darshan to them in form of lord rama, Krishna etc., Many stories were framed on shirdi of sai baba by his followers. They say that saibaba used to come in dream and gave them advice on what to do and what not to do.
Shri Shirdi Saibaba Miracles

Movies On Life History Of Shirdi Sai Baba

Life History  sai baba
The main ideas of these movies are not to earn the profits but devotee(the crew of the movie) wanted to their trust and devotion towards shirdi of sai baba There were lots of movies shot on the life history of Shirdi of Sai Baba some of them are Shirid Che Sai Baba(Marathi), Shirdi Ke Sai Baba(Hindi), Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Mahathyam(Telugu), Bhagavan Shri Sai Baba(Kannada), Sai Baba(Marathi), Sri Sai Mahima(Telugu), Shirdi Sai Baba(hindi), Ishwarya Avatar Sai Baba(hindi), Malik ek(hindi), Shirdi sai(telugu).
All the movies clearly explain the life history of Sai Baba, miracles reported by Sai Baba.


Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati, Shanka­racharya of the Dwaraka Peeth in Gujarat, recently set tempers aflare. He declared that Hindus should not worship Shirdi Sai Baba (1838-1918), a spiritual master whose teachings combined elements of Hinduism and Islam and who to this day has millions of followers from across India and across castes, creeds and religions. The Swami proscribes any image of Sai Baba, who he says is not a guru, saint or god. Sai Baba devotees in Varanasi burnt effigies of the Shankaracharya. In Chhattisgarh, Sai Baba devotees clashed with the Shankaracharya’s followers. The 99-year-old seer is not new to controversy. His Congress leanings are well known. During the general elections, he slapped a TV journalist who asked him about the rise of BJP leader Narendra Modi. 

Sanatan dharma is the oldest. The oldest scripture is the Rig Veda. Many people have found solace following shastras. Shirdi Sai Baba and his worship is not even 100 years old. People found answers before that also, were blessed before that also. If people can benefit by going to Ram, then why go there. People assume that their progress has happened because of visiting Shirdi. They go because they want to succeed or get married. No one is going there for salvation.

The 18 Basic Myths about the guru Sathya Sai Baba are:

1. That he is the reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba.
2. That he is a Purna Avatar.
3. That he is Omnipotent.
4. That he is Omniscient.
5. That he is Omnipresent.
6. That his birth followed an Immaculate Conception.
7. That the birth of the claimed trio of Sai Avatars into the family of his ancestors was a boon granted by Siva and Shakti.
8. That his advent was prophesied by Jesus Christ, Muhammad, the Book of Revelations, Nostradamus, inter alia, and announced on 24 November 1926 by Sri Aurobindo.
9. That he will reincarnate again after 2022 as Prema Sai.
10. That he made his two Declarations and began his official Mission in 1940.
(IF he made the Declarations, as is possible, there is documentary evidence to show that it would have been in 1943.)
11. That he was engaged full time on his Mission in the years 1941, 1942 and 1943 (rather than still at school for most of that period).
12. That he resurrected the dead bodies of Radha Krishna and Walter Cowan. (He may have had a healing influence in a near-death experience by these two men).
13. That he is able to speak all languages fluently.
14. That the printed version of his Discourses (which is his principal form of communication with devotees in many languages) is a faithful and close translation of what he actually says in Telugu. (I remind readers that public access to LITERAL translations of his Telugu Discourses has been curtailed since July 2002.)
15. That he always tells the truth.
16. That he never sleeps.
17. That he does not feel or show anger or strong emotion.

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