Tuesday 14 November 2017

Types of Diner, Food And Commentator

 We live in a world of plenty, with more than enough food to choose from. Wander down any grocery store aisle and marvel at the options in every category. But what influences which foods we decide to buy and eat? 

We eat because we are hungry. We eat for energy. You might know some of the reasons we crave certain foods, but most of our food decisions come from hidden forces.

Food is and should be a pleasure. One of the scientific food principles that intrigued me most was the idea that we shouldn’t restrict our eating.

Types of Diners 

Occidental Diners love to munch. They are often unconscious of their eating habits and do not discriminate between foods on the basis of nutritional quality, freshness, or calorie content.

Irregular Diners typically pay little attention to their nutritional needs. Eating is considered a mere necessity. Food is consumed like fuel in order to keep functioning. 

Habitual Diners prefer all things in keeping with a certain routine. Many of their habits are acquired during adolescence or young adulthood, such as smoking, drinking or enjoying certain foods.

Types of Food

Food variety means eating a wide variety of foods from each of the five food groups, in the amounts recommended. Eating many different foods helps maintain a healthy and interesting diet which provides a range of different nutrients to the body. Eating a variety of foods promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of disease.

Foods are grouped together because they provide similar amounts of key nutrients. For example, key nutrients of the milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives group include calcium and protein, while the fruit group is a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Types of Commentor

A: What a wonderful dinner!

B: Thank you. I am glad that you are enjoying it.

A: Where did you get your fantastic recipes?

B: I grew up cooking. My mother shared her recipes with me.

Top Five Comments on Food 

1. Keep as active as you can.
2. Eat off a smaller plate.

3. Just enjoy who you are."


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