Monday 30 October 2017

Border ,Aproaching It ,Border Of Community And Border Of Barrier

The debate about shift in borders studies remains same.The issues about margin and other dark aspect,immigration and identity formation from disruption to fixidity keeps on a debate.From two month a book named Border compiled version of Randal Bass has giving me some tension ,how we do deal about border in life.The circulation of ideas from neighborhood ,Tribhuvan University Peripheri,tea talk during breaks and publication stores give me different questions what we meant border ,where the new border around Tribhuvan University Kirtipur with flowery garden around has been made to reveal the sense of border or aesthetic part of border gets more priority .My questions are unlimited ,I am a nonesense talkative in vague world or is there any value of borders in life which lead to identity formation,from Secondary level of Education in English this university compiles various versions of literary text  like drama,poem,essay and other extracts and we just name Abhi Subedi,Rameshwar Adhikari and Shreedhar Lohani as the stamp sign in books,after wandering around different colleges and university we get darshan of these teachers and department keeps on informing the details about research with a demand of youth motivated channels in educational sector to lead a new era in English .

The walls around my pictures reminds geographical border and I enjoy to click the border as sign of beauty .I love the part of the scenerio and  take a selfie all the time to relate with the Environment as if a good student is going to learn day by day.A dumb students has lots of questions dealing with the curriculumn strategy as they lead different borders to define my existence as a student.Border reading has been more inclusive as it has been including all geographical ,economic,social ,political and other aspects of the society to lead a new definition of identities and different versions of videos and researches have paved the way to make border versatile subject.I love the teachers who tries to conclude various summaries from ancient to global lifespan and denote the sense of identity formation to have a respond to the texts in medias.

Justice in different sectors and human right violation also came as alternative topics while dealing with borders as the borders of community raised the questions about homelessness,toxicity in the rural areas of different countries and local customs about the border of communities,differences and defferences in local thoughts and customs has being my focus here on daily serfing of the news about films in Bollywood .The videos about Nationals Geographic focus on nudity and identity crisis also became my focal point to relate with borders I find in daily life.There are different theorists which lead us to be analytic from the identity topic to sense of existence and the scholarly interpretations of versatile borders and fluid identity with stable to identification keeps on knocking my heart why borders of barriers also demand a return to study of identity in 1990s.I jot down the ideas as blank pages and my laptop still asks me can you show the connectivity of border of barrier to lead the formation of identity, maintain a stable identity and create  a sense of real yourself,self ,subjective mode of identity remains itself under erasure when various theory intersects the border of language,community and barriers and  a recall of identity stability .The question ,who am I start knocking my mood all the time while speaking to someone or riding a bike around but the interruption is same that demands answers about the identity,existence and optimism in life.

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