Sunday 18 December 2016

Gairikhoriya,Dhakalthok,Panchamul story

Stories are not matter of written form only ,they are just collection to present beautifully as memory,you just love your life story around everyday.You see your grandfather sitting on the yard with grandmother in old age  and you aunts work in non stop  with children .They collect the local raayo saag and prepared many thing like pickles of Coriander using timmur availabale there,mohi,the milkshake using local curd of Buffalo and you just sit beside the fire to have with them.

With Patuka ,local lungi and cholo, a kind of Nepalese dress ,they began their days taking bath in the early morning before the sun arises in the sky.Then uncles around gather there to talk about the urgency in the areas.My uncle with the local people discussed lots of things having teas there.The discussion keep on going and tea sharing become a part of culture .You see people come there to have water there as that was  Padhero home,anyway,me and my granny who loved travelling reached to Rupa Di home,Gairikhoriya in Panchamul.

Gairikhoriya seems having lots of bamboos around and the veggies were grown with so labor,my di worked non stopped in farms and kids were unbelievable hardworking.They worked hard to help their momma and I just observed them to be familiar with me.Aunt arrives there  and prepare lots of snacks there,momma helps too but our aunt was a superhuman who worked for all but never speak a word with .She had the mastery of cooking local snacks and we all ran around her since childhood.That was the time of marriage ceremony and the different kinds of sweets were prepared at home of Rupa d.

The most tasty food item was at Rupa di was the Kurauni,milk made cream using lots of milk there and we children enjoyed a lot.Later they prepared saag and dal bhat with coriander pickle we had the cuisine together.Some of them added Koda ko Dhirho too with local meat of goat prepared but the memory of having the enjoyment at the yard of Rupa di is a collections of datas of our mind there.Your grandpa,granny and all twenty members inclduing Rupadi have ceremony at one place and you just sing the song of Kag Daji  and Tara Baji Lai Lai and your Gairikhoriya story become flashback for lifetime.

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