Tuesday 27 December 2016

Learning parts of Speech as Grammar Rule

When I started learning the grammar using grammar book ,I just realized there was something which I always lacked, a topic to be unseen and seen ,the feeling to be be on live as in facebook and google,they intruduced noun,the use of name to refer the person,the thing,the place and all and depicted further divisions.So nomilization has itself division in grammar book as we have division in life with the identity we has with us.Different publications of grammar book created same mosaic and I read the grammar book.

Again,the pro noun came to use insead of noun.I searched in life who is coming in stead of me or inplace of me,the reference was the curiosity.In same way ,again Adjective came to qualify the noun ,now I can see my certificates are qaulifying me ,my status prescribing me  and the adverb as helping to verb criticism defines my deed.

The more I touch grammar book more I learned my biography,the exclamations became part of demonstration in real life and color gestures of pictures and cartoon using the same book rules and regulations reminded me all the activities around .I use my iphone to click the pictures,I started to travel in metro rails to narrate  lot of stories with the passangers standing with me in life,the stalls in market with food became my another grammar book.

The books with lines and the people around the bus,metro and plane are in same category dealing same story ,writing a story of life using same grammar rules and regulations in the name of changes in life,many news papers are published,many designs are built and rebuilt and still communications is on paper as book,on the way as mobile ,at home as tv and news paper and different religious topic.

The books around,the grammar rules around,the different religious,ethnic ,economic,social and political rules are all interrelated like the daily book I have named  as laptop where google,facebook ,yahoo and many more serfing sites give me the news of topics I like and they flow and re state as grammar to human life and Homo Sapiens  like me  to understand what I do not know.

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