Saturday 17 December 2016

Ganesh baa and sociology story

When did you see Ganesh baa ,uncle ,is the question he raised to me,it was a telephonic conversation,I told the day of 1998 ,I was standing beside the yard ,he was with some people around to visit the Sirubaree on foot ,my grandma said to help at household work because maasko daal with bhat was the food for the visitor and Ganesh baa had a great resposnbility for western hills mountains and forests as they were on foot journey around Sirubaree.

I saw all nineteen members of Dhakalthok began to welcome them,Leela uncle also one of the staff in forest areas and he was on duty that day too.The story began ,you saw a man with dhakatopi asks your name and starts giving lectures about the rural development,you feel sleepy as you are kid and feel why this gurung always has a lesson for development and I ran towards Rupa di home.

Again ,you are caught by him to have books about Norway visit and memory and get scoldings about laziness you have in it,guys you must cheer up and do in international level,I alone can not do anything,I just felt bore,dad always copy his each ideas and I feel bored a lot.

Again ,people came and came to meet him,he started with his monitor and again he started in hospital ,again I feel bored,the old man with old age is a boring person ,keep on working and scolding me.No way,I am not going to listen him anymore,I sent my cousins to meet him and they have been following him.

The story never ends here,there were many around him  with him and for the time division having the perspective to redevelop Nepali cuisine ,Salaijo,Dhakatopi and hilly areas now I felt you are a lazybone is not safe any day,this sociolgy book holder ,norway narrator,Syangja narrator has the task of working effortlessly and his mission of rural development,youth development,tourism development and other co related issues will make you dull day by day.

You just keep on playing with youtubes to listen him frequently,you search googles to reread his articles,you just visit his home in Tyanglaphat to listen his ideas of leadership,you just keep hot discussion with relatives how this old man has created a legend from  a goverment school named Tri Sahid Ma Vi,Syangja and government educational policies and curriculum stories are the matter of heriosm for every student around him ,nearby him and following him.

Everytime my granny describe about his interests about local cuisine,local customs,books,travelogue,educational system but I felt bored,I reached to different areas I am compelled to follow his ideas everyday because when there is a problem in life about different thing like a monk he is standing behind you to be calm ,to go ahead and neglect the daily problems.His practical sociology theories are really wonderful,he is not a book ,he is a man of deed, like Bewulf his story is passed to generation to generation  in our village.

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